A Practice of Preventative & Reactive Care

With A Whole Body

Approach For

Lasting Results

Why should you see a Doctor of Acupuncture?

There are many reasons why you should and limited reasons why you shouldn't!

If in doubt, contact us first to find out if a treatment is right for you!

Sports Medicine

Unlock the incredible potential of acupuncture for sports injuries, where the results are nothing short of remarkable, all without relying on medications or restrictions. Our treatments promote swift recovery, reduce pain, and improve your performance, naturally. Say goodbye to the sidelines and hello to your active, pain-free life. Experience the wonder of acupuncture for sports injuries and get back in the game stronger than ever.

Shockwave Therapy

Discover the power of Shockwave Therapy – a non-invasive, cutting-edge treatment that promises to transform your pain into relief. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a more active, pain-free life. Try Shockwave Therapy today, and start your journey to a happier, healthier you.

Mental Wellness

Studies have shown the effects of Acupuncture on Stress, Anxiety, Depression and more to be a highly effective approach!

Discover the extraordinary benefits of acupuncture for mental wellness, where transformation happens without the need for medications. Our treatments promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve your overall mental well-being naturally. Say goodbye to pharmaceutical solutions and embrace a harmonious state of mind. Experience the remarkable power of acupuncture, and embark on a journey to a happier, more peaceful you.

Supervised Weight Management Program

Unlock your path to a healthier you with our doctor-supervised weight management program. With personalized gym access and a tailored meal plan, we provide the guidance and support you need to achieve your wellness goals. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier life under the expert care of our dedicated team. Your journey to a fitter, more vibrant you starts here.

Facial Rejuvenation

Experience the magic of facial rejuvenation through acupuncture, where the results are simply amazing - naturally! Say goodbye to the need for fillers and embrace a revitalized, radiant you. Our treatments harness the power of ancient wisdom to restore your youthful glow, one needle at a time. Discover the transformative effects of acupuncture and unveil your timeless beauty.

Cupping Therapy

The age-old art of cupping for relief and balance. This ancient practice, which has stood the test of time, helps alleviate tension, promote circulation, and restore harmony within your body. With the gentle suction of specially designed cups, you'll find equilibrium, reduced discomfort, and a newfound sense of well-being. Rediscover the balance you deserve.


Immunity Boosting

Chronic & Acute Pain

Hormonal Imbalances



Women's Health

Men's Health

Children's Health

Employee Mental Health Support Day - ONSITE

a unique opportunity to support the mental health and well-being of your employees through the implementation of an "Employee Mental Health Support Day" initiative. With mental health concerns prevalent in today's workforce, accessible and effective support is crucial. Acupuncture has shown promising results in alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, and various other mental health issues, while also addressing physical ailments such as weight management, addictions, focus, sleep disorders, and digestive issues.

About Us

Acupuncture is a holistic and whole body approach to your health.

Your health needs to be examined from all aspects and not just at the most acute stages of what's bothering you today!

We want to create a healthy version of you, that is managed without the need of medications and constant appointments!

The goal is to get your body working in permanent harmony eliminating the need for me!

Our Advantages


Personalized Treatment

No two treatments are the same, much like no two people are the same. You deserve to have a treatment tailored to you!


Licensed Acupuncturist

To practice Acupuncture, years of education along with Canadian Licensing exams is what it took. I am also required to keep up with my education yearly!


Experienced Staff

Part of an Acupuncturists education is working with the public and obtaining over 500 hours of clinical work.


Comfortable Clinic

This is a safe space and a private one. What is discussed and shared with your practitioner is information for your Acupuncturist, and your Acupuncturist alone.


Practitioners Network

Healthcare is a joint effort. All of your medical team should be working together. Connect your Family Doctor, Naturopath, Chiropractor and Physio to your Acupuncturist to ensure the best results!


Therapy Goals

Treatment is meant to be long lasting not a band aid approach. Ensuring you are only returning for preventative matters!

Meet The Doctor

Rena Grenier

Registered Acupuncturist & Eastern Medicine Practitioner

"Be the Change You Want To See In The World" - Unknown

I have been extremely passionate about helping others since I can remember. At first I thought that meant becoming a psychologist, so I enrolled in that quickly finding out that was not where my passion lies. I had the opportunity to work for an Acupuncturist running the front end of her clinic and became enthralled with how Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine was changing peoples lives right before my eyes. I enrolled in university as an adult and worked extremely hard to get where I am today. Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine to me, is more than just figuring out whats wrong with people and treating them, its about educating them and leading them to their most optimal health, providing the tools and knowledge about how to keep themselves there.

I know I won't stop here and I plan to take a number of courses to expand my practice and ensure the most optimal health plans for my patients.

No matter what brought you to your illness or ailment today, we welcome the chance to work with you to rectify it for lasting results.

*This is a judgement free environment*

Client Testimonials


"I started some strenuous training and as a result, had been experiencing all kinds of problems with my knees and in an effort to try and find some relief, I had tried everything, massage, chiro, physiotherapy and nothing helped fix the problem until I tried Acupuncture with Rena.  I had relief from almost the first session and with continued work we were able to make a significant difference in the swelling, stiffness and flexibility of my knees, as well, through continued dialog, we addressed some issues with my digestion as well as identifying some dietary issues.  The versatility of Acupuncture is astounding and I would HIGHLY recommend Rena to anyone looking to make positive improvement in their health and wellbeing"



" I have known Rena for a while now. I appreciate the fact that Rena takes time to know your health history and the symptoms you are experiencing. Rena thrives to get to the root problem and her treatments are gentle and affective." -Kathleen

Direct Billing:

BPA - Benefit Plan Administrators ~ Canada Life ~ Canada Life - PSHCP ~ Canadian Construction Workers Union (C.C.W.U.) ~ Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan ~ CINUP ~ ClaimSecure ~ Coughlin & Associates ~ Cowan ~ D.A. Townley ~ Desjardins Insurance ~ Equitable Life ~ First Canadian ~ GMS Carrier 49 ~ GMS Carrier 50 ~ GroupHEALTH ~ GroupSource ~ Industrial Alliance ~ Johnson Inc. ~ Johnston Group ~ Beneva Inc. (formerly La Capitale Financial Group) ~ LiUna Local 183 ~ LiUna Local 506 ~ Manion ~ Manulife Financial ~ Maximum Benefit ~ People Corporation ~ RWAM Insurance Administrators ~ Simply Benefits ~ TELUS AdjudiCare ~ Union Benefits ~ UV Insurance

Get In Touch


3130 Glenmore Court S.E.

Calgary Alberta


(Inside Southpaw Family Fitness & Boxing Gym)

3130 Glenmore Ct SE, Calgary, AB T2C 2E6, Canada

Assistance Hours

Mon – Thurs: 10:00am – 9:00pm

Fri: 10:00am - 5:00pm

Sat: 10:00am - 5:00pm

Sunday: CLOSED

Phone Number:

403 837 3865

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